Together for equal treatment in the province of Utrecht
Art.1 Midden Nederland (Art1. MN) is the centre of expertise for equal treatment and against discrimination for residents of all communities in the province of Utrecht. All municipalities in the Netherlands have an obligation to support residents who are being discriminated against or treated unequally. Therefore Art.1MN strives to cooperate with local patrons, to offer a variety of projects related to awareness and skills building to all who want to integrate inclusion in both their personal and professional lives. Therefore Art.1MN strives to cooperate with local patrons, to offer a variety of projects related to awareness and skills building to all who want to integrate inclusion in both their personal and professional lives.
Therefore Art.1MN strives to cooperate with local patrons, to offer a variety of projects related to awareness and skills building to all who want to integrate inclusion in both their personal and professional lives. Therefore Art.1MN strives to cooperate with local patrons, to offer a variety of projects related to awareness and skills building to all who want to integrate inclusion in both their personal and professional lives.
Contact details
Art.1 Midden Nederland
Kaap Hoorndreef 42
3563 AV Utrecht
Tel: 030 – 232 86 66